Funding for HCR must be coming from the back of the liberal brain!
It really amazes me that the country’s lethargic liberals who want to hurl the race card and the kitchen sink can't come up with one solid solution to fund all these things for which they continuously whine.
This blog has repeatedly said we have got to take strong measures to regrow our own wealth. Without that, any pet program or essential program is going to be in danger. PERIOD. That's it. Even borrowing catches up with us - eventually it has to be repaid. I'm not sure which part of "repaying" borrowed money these folks don't understand! LOL. Maybe it's in their nature to expect something for nothing. It doesn't work that way, not even in the liberal fantasy world. And, we are borrowing so much, so fast that we are headed exponentially soon towards unsustainability. Now, that's not a hard word - it's in the dictionary. Look it up if you don't know it or understand it. That's where we're headed and dayumed near where we already are now! But, these folks want to tack on another $1,000,000,000,000 to the deficit for another government program that deserves no less scrutiny of the federal government's ability to run existing programs. These programs have cost more and more and have produced less and less! Pick anyone you like! Any one! Government, at best, is ineffective and inefficient!
Right now, China, is basically funding defense, social security, medicare and 100's of other programs - why? Because we can't pay for them ourselves, that's why! It shouldn't take a smart person to understand this.
So, what do we do about it?
Sure, it's not an easy thing. Barack and Bush were simply in over their heads, and they suffer, like all the Washington bureaucrats, from having to return favors to the lobbyists who helped get them elected. That prevents the very "will" to really do something productive, if there was ever any "real" will. Personally, I doubt it. We've seen too many career politicians get powerful and rich while the country goes down the tubes fiscally. So, you know if there were any real salts (from either party), things would be better than they are. Again, it shouldn't take brain surgeons to realize this.
Alright, so, we create jobs here by creating incentives (or even pass laws) that foster growth on our own soil. We've been offshoring and outsourcing our wealth and it is because of corporate greed and massive foreign lobby. We've been torpedoed and didn't know it. We've been on self-destruct and didn't even know it. It's like we just gave them a blank check and said "here, write it for whatever you like, we'll cash it!" Well, that's exactly what we've done! Only, except now, those checks we've been kiting are bouncing because we're B R O K E!
If we eliminate the corporate income tax and replace it with a 5% value added tax. A 3% VAT replaces the revenues from corporate tax, 1% more pays $1.3 trillion for health care, and 1% more brings in enough revenue to start paying down the debt.
This is not new, lethargics. It's been here before and it's in the header again now. And, you pundits will say, "oh, prices will go up" - they may; but, I can assure you they are eventually going to go up anyways in hyperinflation if we keep printing fony money, and not paying our bills. China is fast trying to unload all the profits they've made from manufacturing stuff for us and selling it back to us because they know our money is becoming worthless, just like our checks!
A VAT helps level the global-trading field. If there is going to be a global economy, and there is, then at some point the melting of labor and consumptions have to blend or otherwise, we get what we've got now - a huge, gargantuan trade imbalance. In other words, they make money and we lose money. It really is just that simple.
Think they are not taxing our exports? Think again! Think they are not manipulating their currency? Think again! Think they are not doing a better job of lobbying our own Congress than we are? Think again several times, until it finally sinks into your heads!
I've no problem whatsoever with a HCR bill passing. I don't like seeing people hurt, losing their hard-earned savings from illness - not at all. My problem is "how do we pay for it!" Think up any program you want - study the color of dust on Pluto, I don't care! We'll do it, if you can find a way to pay for it! Find a plan - one that really works! And, I'm not talking about a plan that includes borrowing money!
If I want or need something, I have to pay for it! No government program should be any different!
A 5 percent VAT will give you a HCR bill that is funded. Think the Chinese will get mad? Sure they will. Think they will want to stop selling us goods? No, they won't. They have mouths to feed; and, if we don't do something like this fairly soon we're going to be dependent on them feeding us as well - that is if they are not already "technically" doing that even now, too.