Monday, October 5, 2009

Should Congress Investigate?

A new Inspector General report about the first government bank bailout in 2008 finds that then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and other officials were wrong in declaring that all nine banks receiving the first round of bailout support -- $125 billion -- were sound. Should Congress hold hearings to investigate these findings?

Should Congress hold hearings on the Inspector General's report?

- Yes. They deceived taxpayers and lawmakers, and we need to know more.
- No. The Office of Inspector General should expand its investigation, not Congress.
- No. It was an unprecedented situation in America's history and it's behind us now - move on.
- I'm not sure.

 VOTE HERE and SEE the results! 


  1. Who are the morons that voted for congress to hold hearings?
    Don't they realize who got us into this mess?

    and who in this world could guess if a business is sound or not?
    Just ask the current admin, they don't have a clue either.

  2. ...yup, Lat. All clueless! Thanks for the stop-by.

  3. I thought you were gone and then began looking at your blog better and see that you are still posting here. I imagine most are not seeing you here either.

    Things just keep getting crazier and crazier with this Administration.

  4. Umm, I think Henry Paulson was Treasury Secretary during the LAST administration. The only thing crazy is you people.

  5. Anonymous, you just like to cause trouble, don't you? Must have a little prick - you're all alike! LOL. Really, no one here, wants to hear your crap. Go back over to the FBI-loving blog and stay there! You're not welcome here!
