Monday, October 5, 2009

"The Messiah" orders federal government to cut emissions

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama ordered federal agencies on Monday to set a goal within 90 days for cutting their greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, the White House said, aiming to "lead by example" in fighting climate change.

The new executive order, signed by the president, mandates agencies across the federal government to "measure, manage, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions toward agency-defined targets," the White House said in a statement.

Think the Federal government was inefficient and ineffective before or now? Just wait until this cranks up!


  1. As real temperatures continue to go down.

    I'm still amazed that the 'government' said we had to put lightbulbs
    in our homes, that contain more mercury than the fish
    we are not supposed to eat.


  2. You guys obviously don't know shit from Shinola. Thankfully, you right-wing extremist types are pretty much irrelevant these days. Sort of like flies; annoying but generally harmless. Must suck to be you.

  3. Hey MLC...How goes it? I read this blog (Generational Dynamics) every now and again, and I find some really interesting info. Thought you might like this post.

    TTYS :)


  4. "are pretty much irrelevant"

    and you just showed everyone how relevant it really is.

    Keep up the good work MLC!

  5. Thanks, HG.

    Anonymous(not LAT), you just like to cause trouble, don't you? Must have a little prick - you're all alike! More mouth than anything else, so you have to compensate! LOL. Really, no one here, wants to hear your crap. Go back over to the FBI-loving blog and stay there! You're not welcome here!

  6. Sounds like you have lots of experience with guys with little pricks cowboy. Is that by choice or just bad luck? Curious though, where does a guy go to pick up guys in Mississippi? I thought you all frowned on that kind of behavior down there.

  7. "Anonymous Cowards"...So funny that they though your blog at WU was worthless, but they had to follow you over here!!!

    The truth hurts, and they will do anything rather than look at themselves in the mirror, much less a hard look at what is going on in this country!

    Hey Lat!!!

  8. Bread and circuses...Hey look!!!!

    "Caesar is crossing the Rubicon!!!"

    Those that don't know their history are doomed to repeat it...

    Sadly, the few of us that do have to repeat it with them...

  9. Did I find the woods through the trees yet? I need instructions with pictures in the real blog world. LoL and Howdy.

    Cowboy, you know your blog is alive and postable on WU I assume?

  10. Oss, you may want to check again - it was only temporary and then it was taken out again. They allowed me some time to copy some blogs from three years of archives.

    Good morning, all, and have a great day! :)

  11. Yep, your right. Toast! Sorry for the false alarm.

  12. Hey SL!
    Clifford and Daisy are doing great, spoiled rotten of course.

    Yep, blog is irrelevant.
    That's why they can't stay away. LOL
    Just can't help it.

  13. Morning all: finally we are learning how to use the new site and so have the trolls!

  14. Hi MLC!!! It's NRAamy.....I found you through spathy!


  15. Thanks for stopping by Amy! I hope you are continuing to improve!
